Yoga Trapeze Certified

Do you want to Relieve Back Pain, Be More Flexible, Have A Strong Core, and Develop Your Upper Body?

Here is the way to do it and I can take you there.  

Awesome offering for those of you in the San Angelo, Texas area………

[FREE! 30-Minute Discovery Class] Want to learn the Yoga Trapeze? I have room in my schedule to take on new private clients and am offering 30-minute Discovery Classes at no initial cost to you.

The Yoga Trapeze is a suspension yoga system great for back pain, core strength, functional upper body strength, and balance. Most of my clients are looking to relieve back pain, relieve stress, improve their grip, and core strength. If that sounds like you, email or private message me and let’s schedule your session.

Email me at

10 Yoga Poses You Should Do Daily – Beginners

I hope the New Year had an exciting start for everyone!!  The first of every year is the time when everyone is setting up their New Year’s resolutions and trying to get in better shape or in better health for that matter.   To help you with focusing on your resolutions, I wanted to provide everyone that has not experienced yoga to at least start with ten basic poses.  These poses will give you a good platform to at least begin to entertain the practice of yoga as a means of both getting healthy and getting in shape.

I personally, wished I had started my practice ten years ago as I would have had a great opportunity to learn how to handle stress better and would have gotten in shape in my 30s or 40s.  But I can candidly say that now is better than never. I now understand why people that practice yoga daily look so fit and much younger than they really are.  They also have definition in their bodies that one only those that practice daily gain with their practice.

I certainly do not want to push the practice of yoga to anyone but hope to bring you into my personal journey, so that more and more people will join me in the ride to getting as fit as I can and continue to encourage more and  more people to try incorporating a 15-30 minute daily practice into their schedule.

Here are ten poses that I would suggest for beginners.

  1. Side Oblique Stretch/Side Bend
  2. Cow Pose
  3. Yogi Squat
  4. Downward Dog
  5. Up Dog/Cobra
  6. Windshield Wiper
  7. Happy Baby

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Meditation Techniques to Practice Gratitude

If I can help those of you that really feel overwhelmed with everyday life or those of you that feel like your world is caving in all around you, try to take time for yourself and RELAX. Make time for yourself so that you can recover from the happenings around you and you can learn to reconnect from within.

Finding peace and gratitude is a good start. So I encourage you to make time to try these techniques so that you can find your way back to that place that makes you feel extra special and at peace.

1. Walking meditation.

If you find yourself feeling anxious, rushed, or over-extended, give yourself a gift of 10 to 15 minutes. Wherever you are, find a quiet escape away from the noice to walk in silence.

There is a simple experience that comes with walking by alternating steps with the left and right foot naturally helps create a meditative state which helps you in becoming more present and grounded. Be mindful of each step and keep in touch with each step. Allow yourself to notice your surroundings, such as grass, trees, chirping birds, and the sun on your face. To end the walking meditation, gradually come to a stop, and be aware of the feeling of standing still again. Identify with how you feel now, compared to how you felt when you started. Take your newfound awareness and calmness with you when you enter back to your surroundings.

2. Prayer twisting.

Twisting helps to detoxify our bodies by stimulating our liver and stimulating peristalsis. From crescent pose, rotate your torso, bringing the left elbow on the outside of your right knee.

Bring your palms together in a prayer position and press into them towards the floor, rotating your right shoulder up and back while twisting your upper back. Look towards the ceiling. Keep your right knee bent and keep the hips sinking down towards the floor. If you feel like challenging yourself reach hand closest to the floor down on either the big toe or little toe side of the foot and raise your hand aligned with your shoulder and with the hand touching the floor. Hold for 5 to 8 deep breaths. Repeat on other side.

3. Bow pose. Read more »

8 Excellent and Effective Restorative Yoga Poses

As shared in the previous post relative to Restorative Yoga poses and the benefits they provide, the one thing to keep in mind is that these poses will help you to restore your inner-self while holding each pose as long as possible.   The poses help to move your body into a sort of restful place and state of mind.

Keep in mind when moving into each pose slowly and holding the pose for longer periods of time  will allow you to become more mindful relative to the physical sensations of each pose.  You will also experience the restorative feeling on certain muscles and joints that you have never felt before, while also keeping you more aware of your breath.   Many studies have shown that keeping a consistency in your yoga practice will significantly increase serotonin levels and decrease monamine oxidase levels, causing the breakdown of neurotransmitters. As a result, yoga has the potential to decrease depression, stress and anxiety.

I personally have experienced a huge difference in my inner peace of mind and an over powering of sensation in all of my joints.   These eight poses are a slow starting point that I believe will allow anyone  to experience a big difference in how they handle the impacts of stress and the anxiety on a daily basis.

Remember to begin with  yogic breathing to ensure you are focused on your breath while keeping each breath that you take the same in length or as close as you can through out each pose.  This helps also in keeping your poses longer for each pose.

  1. Reclining Bound Angle Pose:  To move into reclining bound angle without props,  lay flat on your back and open your hips, allow your knees to gently rest outwards. Place the soles of your feet together and let your hands rest on your belly, by your sides, palms facing up, or above your head.  (To lessen the stretch on the inner thighs, use a block or rolled up blanket and place under each knee.)
  2. Reclining Big Toe Pose:  Start by lying on your back with legs extended. As you exhale, bend one knee and hug it into your chest. Loop strap around the arch of your opposite foot, holding one end of the strap in each hand,  exhale to extend the foot towards the ceiling, pushing the heel upwards. Keep the knee slightly bent if you feel a stretch without fully straightening the leg. Keep inhaling and exhaling,  breathe out, focus to move a little more towards straightening it. Repeat on the other side.
  3. Child’s Pose:  This pose is used to calm the mind to a restful state. Begin with tabletop position with your wrists directly under your shoulders and knees underneath your hips. As yo8 Excellent and Effectivu exhale, sit back onto your heels, while moving your torso in between your thighs and allowing your arms to stretch either on each side facing back with palms down or out in front of you with palms down. Rest your forehead on the mat. You will feel a stretch along your back, and between your shoulder blades.
  4. Reclining Hero Pose:  This is a wonderful and effective pose stretching the abdomen, thighs and psoas which are deep in the hip flexors.  This is a great reliever of tired legs and overall improves digestion and helping to open the chest.  To begin, gently pull your calf muscles outwards with your feet on either side of your buttocks.  On the exhale, lower your back towards the floor, leaning back on your hands. If that’s enough of a stretch for you, stay in that position, otherwise you can stretch a little deeper, leaning back onto your forearms and elbows. Again, if that’s enough of a stretch, stay in that position, otherwise you can lay all the way back with your arms by your sides, or extended over your head.  (Remember to always listen to your body and if props are needed, please use rolled up blankets to support your knees or your back.
  5. Pigeon Pose:  This pose is an incredibly powerful hip-stretching pose that can relieve built-up tension and stress from the area.  Start in tabletop position with your hands shoulder-distance apart,  bring one knee forward, placing it on the mat just behind and outside your hand. Your shin should diagonal with your foot towards your groin, and the inside of the leg should be facing upwards.  The back leg and hip should be facing the ground and  your back toes to lift the leg and slowly work it backwards so that it is straight on the mat, until you feel a deep stretch along the hip and buttocks muscles of the front leg. Take a few breaths and relax into the pose. If this is enough of a stretch, remain with your hands on the mat and chest up, otherwise you can lower your upper body towards the mat, leaning on to your forearms, or resting your arms above you and placing your forehead on the mat. Take your time in this pose – if you can stay in it for a few minutes, the muscles will relax more and the stretch will be more impactful.  Repeat with the other leg.
  6. Happy Baby Pose:  This pose will help stretch the inner groin and will help to relieve stress and fatigue.  Start on your back and inhale, take hold of the soles of your feet with your hands and open your knees wider than your torso. Bring your knees towards your armpits and roll from side to side to stretch and massage your back.  You can straighten your legs a little and move them up and down which will help to lengthen the strength
  7. Spinal Twist:  This pose works to relieve stress and stiffness in the lower back and hips while also stretching the spine and improving its movement and mobility. Twisting poses like this are also very good for digestion.  Start on the back and bend your knees on the inhale. Spread your arms out to either side with palms facing down. As you exhale, slowly drop your knees to one side, twisting from the hips and spine. Ensure that both shoulders stay fixed on the mat and turn your gaze to the opposite side. Your spine and top hip should feel a deep stretch and your chest should feel nice and open. Stay in the pose for at least a couple of minutes and repeat in the other direction.  You can also deepen the stretch by crossing your leg over the side your are twisting to.
  8. Corpse Pose:  This pose is know to be a meditative pose that helps to unwind the body, calming the mind and helping to relieve stress. It can also reduce headaches, fatigue and insomnia, as well as helping to lower blood pressure.  To start lay flat on your back letting your feet flop to either side. Open your legs to at least hip-distance apart. Relax your arms on either side of your body with palms facing up. Close your eyes and relax into the pose, initially take long slow breaths and then begin to breath at a regular pace.  Clear your mind and rest while focusing on your intention and thanking yourself for making the time to be good to your body.

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Learn the Benefits of Restorative Yoga

Yoga is a therapeutic style of yoga that uses props to provide support to the body to hold poses for longer. In restorative yoga, the postures are designed to create a sense of relaxation and restoration. Moreover, the props are used to eliminate unnecessary straining, allowing you to open your body through stretching. The poses can be sustained as long as you are comfortable using pillows bolsters, blocks, straps, etc. as it helps to relax and rest deeply.

Who should practice Restorative Yoga?

Restorative yoga is beneficial for people of all ages because it develops flexibility and opens the body in a comfortable way.

The following are the top benefits of practicing restorative yoga: Read more »

Three Yoga Tips For Self Motivation

In Yoga, we often talk about making changes from within. These small changes affect the world around us. To make a change from within is a difficult task. No matter how much you change, it might seem as if the world around you lacks motivation.

The truth is – Yoga is not for everyone because it requires commitment. These days, making a commitment, in any phase of life, is a rarity. Yet, everyone you know has dreams of achievement at something. Even a low achiever dreams about something better. Let’s look at three ways to raise your motivation with Yoga.

Surround yourself with self-motivated people. The most obvious place, to find motivated people, is in groups. If you visit a Yoga class, health club, or support group, you will find people who strongly desire to make a positive change. There is no guess work here.

On the other hand, pessimists can easily be found. It is easy to spot them. They will tell you, the weather is always bad and nothing ever works right. Whenever it is possible, find your way back to a group of optimists. This will change your attitude and life dramatically.

Permanently adjust your perspective. Look at the happy side of everything. Stop looking at life with a cynical viewpoint. Enjoy your life by living a Yogic lifestyle. Proper eating, breathing, exercising, praying, and sleeping, can be altered much like a prescription.

After awhile, you may feel like you need a vacation from living a healthy life. You do not have to give up everything you enjoy. For example: If you enjoy chocolate ice cream, you can still enjoy it in moderation. “Sauca” is sometimes referred to as cleanliness and moderation in diet. One of the keys to a happy life is in walking the middle path of moderation in our deeds, thoughts, and words. Read more »

Tips For Making Yoga Poses

The purpose of yoga is to attain a balance of healthy mind and body. Taking it a step further, yoga can be the route to self-enlightenment. Yoga poses focus on a variety of things – meditation and relaxation, a good posture, your breathing and flexibility. All of the elements within the practice of yoga can enhance ones physical and mental approach to life. When done properly, yoga can benefit your life in nearly every aspect and it is no wonder why this ancient Indian discipline is still practiced all around the world. If you are just beginning, then you will probably find the following tips for yoga and yoga poses can help to set you off on the right foot.

Your Essential Guide To Yoga
Yoga poses are assessed for their level of difficulty. As a beginner you should pay close attention to the grades on different yoga poses and never rush into doing a pose that looks difficult to perform or beyond your current level. Poses such as the downward facing dog and the child’s pose are typical positions for yoga beginners.

If you feel any pains or discomfort whilst doing a pose you should stop immediately and reassess how the pose should be done. Yoga is not about pushing the boundaries and working through pain.

Throughout your yoga practice you should use a yoga specific mat. This is particularly essential for poses where you are lying down or on your knees. A woolen mat is great for any level of yoga, giving optimum comfort, stability and support. Read more »

How Yoga Is Helpful Physiologically

Yoga is responsible for creating a fine balance between the endocrine and the nervous systems in a human body and therefore it is very successful in influencing the good functioning of different body organs and systems directly or indirectly. Yoga provides a unique interconnectedness between the physical, mental, and emotional levels of human body and gradually makes way for an easy understanding of various restrained areas of existence.

All this in turn helps in attaining some psychological benefits for human body that further relates to the following points:Blood PressureHigh blood pressure or hypertension can be prevented and also treated by regular practice of yoga. The exercise and relaxation that yoga offers to human body play an important part in curing high blood pressure. Decrement in respiratory rate and increment in respiratory efficiency is one of the chief features of Yoga for the prevention of the High Blood Pressure. Yogic breathing in combination with biofeedback and other techniques of yoga help in lowering the blood pressure and reduces the necessity for medication for high blood pressure.

Pulse RateRegular practicing of Yoga drastically lowers down the pulse rate and brings them under control. There are three main components of yoga, Asanas, Pranayama, and meditation, which contribute directly in maintaining a stability between respiratory system and its organs. This in turn helps in attaining coordination between different organ systems and reducing the pulse rate.

Circulation Yoga also provides an ideal kind of sleeping pattern and normalizes body weight. This also helps in improving the circulation system of the human body and reducing the necessity for any kind of medication. Anxiety is termed to be one of the chief reason for unstable circulation system and the art of Yoga directly act as a preventive tool against anxiety thereby creating high grounds where circulation is well taken care of. OrgansY Read more »

Benefits of Yoga

Yoga is a highly popular type of exercise consisting of holding certain postures and breathing in specific patterns. It is commonly practiced all over the world in a range of cultures and the benefits which it offers are numerous.

A study conducted in Norway recently demonstrated that frequent practicing of yoga can positively alter gene expression leading to an increase in cellular immunity. The movements associated with yoga enhance blood circulation and in turn enable higher optimal function of all organs in the body.

Harvard University researchers have earn-marked yoga as an effective combatant against sleep problems. They found that test subjects who took part in yoga for eight weeks had a significant reduction of insomnia issues. Their explanation for this was that yoga allows for the mind to slow down and in turn help the body relax and hence make it easier to fall asleep. Moreover, the mind-slowing effect of yoga also makes it a good way for people to reduce stress levels.

Despite the fact that yoga is a much less strenuous method of exercise, it can actually drive weight loss. Research which took place at the University of Washington positively correlated yoga with mindful eating and a higher degree of control over emotional eating. This is because regular practice of yoga increases the strength in connection between the mind and the body. This can lead one to be less prone to surrender to their food cravings, which leads them to consume less food and thus increasing the chances of their weight loss efforts to be successful. Read more »

Yoga Benefits For Your Healthy Body and Mind

One of the most popular forms of exercise and fitness, yoga benefits almost everybody cutting across age groups due to its unique philosophy. There are many physical benefits to be gained from taking up yoga. As you use more of your muscles in your body to maintain the yoga positions, as well as your balance, over time these muscles become much stronger. Not only will the muscles in your lower back, shoulders and legs become much stronger so will those in your feet, arms, hands and stomach. If you are not yet practicing yoga right now, you may be wondering why there are many people who are into this exercise. The answer is very simple – it’s the yoga benefits that they get from including this exercise in their daily lives. The following are benefits of practicing Yoga:

1. Builds Inner Strength.

This exercise is very effective in building your inner strength because it requires no weights or machines. You use your own body weight as resistance to gain or tone your muscles. Thus, it makes you more flexible and greatly improves your range of motion as well.

2. Alleviates Physical Stress.

Yoga involves a lot of stretching and different poses. These movements are great in relieving joint pains and releasing physical stress. As a result, you will be able to sleep more comfortably and this will enable your brain to function better. And that will boost your memory and concentration.

3. Pain Relief.

There’s strong evidence showing that yoga can be an ideal treatment for relieving and preventing different types of chronic pain. When a team of researchers from Germany compared yoga with an exercise program designed for people with chronic neck pain, they discovered yoga brought down pain scores by more than 50 percent. Read more »

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